personalizza questi testi
Rossi srl. Thank you for calling. For orders and availability press 1; for purchasing office, press 2; for administration 3; for store department 4, for technical assistance 5; for returned goods 6; for commercial proposals, 7. If you want to talk with an operator, please hold the line. You will be connected with the first one available. Thank you.
All lines are busy
All our operators are busy at the moment. We kindly invite you to hold on. Sorry for the wait: an operator will answer you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. We are currently experiencing an high call volume.
We invite you to call us back later. We apologize for any inconvienence. Thank you.

Closed for vacation
Rossi srl. Thank you for calling. Our offices will be closed for vacation until the 7th of January. We invite you to call us back or send us an email to Thank you.
Closed for holidays
Rossi srl. Thank you for calling. We inform you our offices will be closed during Christmas/Easter holidays and will open on the 7th of January/21st of April. We invite you to call us back or send us an email to If you want, you can leave a message after the tone. We will get back to you as soon as possible. thank you and enjoy your holidays!
Closed office
Thank you for calling. Our offices are currently closed. We invite you to call us back from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Or you can send a fax to +39.0123.456789. You can also send us an email to Thank you.
Call forwarding
Your call has been forwarded to the first available operator. Please hold the line.
Fai lavorare le parole. Anche di notte. Anche di domenica.
Un tuo cliente chiama: non ci sei, non puoi rispondere. Fai più che lasciare una buona impressione! Personalizza i messaggi di attesa del tuo centralino aziendale con incentivi all'azione: invita chi chiama a visitare il tuo sito, informalo di una promozione in corso, spingilo a lasciare i suoi recapiti. Fai tornare il tuo contatto, tieni in caldo opportunità. Chiedici i messaggi modello da personalizzare con le nostre actor-speaker cliccando qui.